Female therapist helps young female patient

Research has shown that the brain is still maturing during the adolescent years, with significant changes continuing into the mid-to-late 20s. In this workshop, Sheryl will provide an overview of the latest research on teenage brain development and will examine special challenges faced by this age group, including vulnerability to substance abuse, high-risk peer influences and mental illness. We will discuss how parents, educators, and other youth serving professionals can help teens engage in activities that will lead to healthy, strong, and well-developed brains.

Sheryl Kaplan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Credentialed Prevention Professional with over 30 years of experience providing individual, family and group counseling for children, adolescents, and adults. Kaplan was a school social worker employed by Capital Region BOCES for over 26 years. During that time, she worked as a Student Assistance Counselor and Prevention Program Provider in elementary, middle, and high schools across the region. Ms. Kaplan is now a full-time trainer and consultant who specializes in the application of brain-based research for social work and related professions.

Part of the Mental Health Workshop Series